The Johnny King buck was shot in 2006 and then officially scored by a Wisconsin Buck & Bear Club and Boone & Crockett official measurer using the Boone & Crockett measuring standards being used by the Wisconsin Buck & Bear Club.

It was entered into the Wisconsin Buck & Bear Club records as a 180-class typical whitetail. Shortly thereafter the deer was removed from records at the request of Johnny King.

The deer cannot be re-scored as described by Boone & Crockett and Wisconsin Buck & Bear Club records policies unless under extenuating circumstances as determined by Boone & Crockett records department. 
 The Boone & Crockett panel determined the third tine on the right antler arises from the inside edge of the top of the main beam, and also arises partially from the base of an adjoining point, thus establishing it as an abnormal point. With this confirmation, two of the rack’s tines must be classified as abnormal points resulting in an entry score well below the current World’s Record.

Based on the original determination and the later Boone & Crockett panel the score for the 180-class typical trophy stands.

The Johnny King buck has been, and still is; welcome to be entered into Wisconsin Buck & Bear Club records.

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